I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
— Henry David Thoreau

The video that started me down the path of Humane Education. Thank you Zoe. 


Zoe Weil is the co-founder and President of the Institute for Humane Education (IHE), www.HumaneEducation.org. IHE works to create a humane, just, and sustainable world for people, animals, and the environment through education, offering a variety of programs for teachers, parents, students, concerned citizens, and changemakers, including the only graduate programs in comprehensive humane education in the U.S., online courses, workshops, and free downloadable resources at www.HumaneEducation.org.

Most Likely to Succeed 

"Most Likely To Succeed is the best film ever done on the topic of school — both its past and its future. Free of whining and negativity, the film inspires its audiences with a sense of purpose and possibility, and is bringing school communities together in re-imagining what our students and teachers are capable of doing. Run, don’t walk, to bring this film to your school. After seeing this film, you’ll never look at school the same way again."

Above is a video from Nuvu Studio in Cambridge, Ma. I had the pleasure of attending two summer sessions for educators and credit my time there with building my capacity to design and facilitate better PBL projects. 

In this video former Park Day (Oakland, CA) Head of School Tom Little gives perhaps one of the best, and most comprehensive presentations on progressive education out there.